Wednesday, April 23, 2014

jon stewart leans in

Gabe watches a DVRed Daily Show every morning and the one we watched this morning was super interesting, especially after reading Lean In. Jon Stewart says a lot of things that Sheryl Sandberg says, but in a more compelling and hilarious (obviously) way. He discusses the sexism in politics, particularly in regards to children (Hilary Clinton becoming a grandmother will interfere with her political ambitions!) and emotions (a woman crying is crazy, a man crying is endearing and patriotic). 

We usually tune out once it gets to the interview part of the show (I know, we're so cultured and interested) but I kept watching; Jon Stewart interviews Senator Elizabeth Warren and touches on sexism in the Senate. I like how she says that ignoring the battle over women's issues is one way to deal with them; I agree, I feel that sometimes even acknowledging the debate adds to the problems. She also talks about how the Senate only had one tiny women's bathroom and they are just now renovating it and expanding it. You can watch the full episode here.

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